Have you heard about the great benefits of yoga?
Are you looking for an easy, relaxing yoga routine for beginners to get you started?
You have come to the right place!
Yoga has so many health benefits including increased flexibility, strength and blood flow. It is great for the body and the mind. Doing Yoga regularly can improve your muscle strength, posture and bone health.
Not to mention that it helps you to relax and re-focus.
So, what are you waiting for?
Give this 10-minute easy relaxing yoga routine for beginners a go…
How Does Yoga Relax The Mind?
Yoga uses Pranayama, or breath control, which is a source of our prana (vital life force).
If you are like me, you may be thinking this sounds a bit too woo-woo for your liking.
But the research that has been done into the subject shows how important using your breath to control stress levels is.
The effects do not end with just reducing stress either.
Now, I can almost hear your mind asking…
Is it Good to do Yoga Before Bed?
This is another huge benefit of using a relaxing yoga routine for beginners.
Yoga has been proven to improve sleep and reduce insomnia (source).
And do you know what the added benefits are of improving sleep and reducing stress levels?
That’s right… weight loss!
Are you beginning to notice that every action you take has a knock-on effect on your overall health? Check out 15 unusual ways to lose weight without exercise or dieting for more information on this.
10 Minute Relaxing Yoga Routine for Beginners
The following relaxing yoga routine for beginners can easily be done in 10 minutes.
It has been tested and adapted to get the most “bang for your buck”… or in this case relaxation from as little time possible.
This is a simple routine that anyone can take part in, no matter what yoga experience level you are at.
Each pose is designed for a long hold with slow movements. You should take at least 5 deep breaths in and out for each pose, which should take just under 1 minute each.
Make sure you watch the video for each yoga asana (posh word for pose) and check out the Well-Fit tips before you perform the pose.
But remember, the stress-relieving benefits will only occur if you do yoga regularly.
Doing it once today and once in 2 months time will have almost no impact on your day to day life. So be sure to pin this page so you can come back to it and practice it each evening before settling into bed.
1. Easy Seat
Note- for this relaxing yoga routine for beginners just focus on the easy seat position (you do not need to do all the extra parts that Adriene puts in as they come later in the routine- she is just showing you how to get comfortable).
Well-Fit tips:
- Wiggle your hips to get into a comfortable position
- Imagine a piece of string is pulling the top of your head towards the ceiling
- Use belly breaths (when you breathe in your belly should expand and contract when you breathe out)
How to make it easier: Place a bolster or a blanket under your glutes.
2. Neck Rolls
Well-Fit tips:
- Slow movements with control
- Only relax your neck when you reach the end of the range of movement (don’t let your head fall)
How to make it easier: Place a bolster or a blanket under your glutes.
3. Seated Side Stretch
Well-Fit tips:
- Keep your chest open
- Aim to stretch your arm up and backwards (not caving forward)
- Breathe slowly into the stretch
How to make it easier: Place a bolster or a blanket under your glutes. Only place your fingertips on the floor.
How to make it more challenging: Place your elbow on the floor for a deeper stretch.
4. Seated Cat-Cow Pose
Well-Fit tips:
- As you breathe in lift your chest and look up to the ceiling (cow pose)
- As you breathe out round your back and tuck your chin (cat-back)
- Focus your attention on opening and rounding your shoulders
How to make it easier: Place a bolster or a blanket under your glutes.
5. Half Cow Face Pose
Well-Fit tips:
- Keep your chest open and back straight
- Aim to stack your knees on top of each other, but do not force it
- Focus on your breathing
How to make it easier: Do not interlink your fingers and don’t cross your knees as far
6. Seated Cross-Legged Forward Bend
Well-Fit tips:
- Aim to reach with your chest, not your chin
- Keep your back straight and when it starts to round is as far forward as you should go
How to make it easier: Place a bolster or a blanket under your glutes.
7. Wind Relieving Pose
Well-Fit tips:
- Breathe into your belly
- Aim to keep your shoulders grounded on the mat before you reach your head to your knee
How to make it easier: Do not pull your leg in as far
How to make it more challenging: Ask a friend to gently push your knee in towards your body.
8. Reclining Spinal Twist
Well-Fit tips:
- Aim to ground both shoulder blades on the mat
- Try not to let your opposite hip peel up off the floor
- Move slowly with control
9. Reclined Butterfly (Supta Baddha Konasana)
Well-Fit tips:
- Relax your knees open do not force them to the floor
- Breathe into your belly, you can even “breathe into the stretch”
How to make it easier: Have your feet further away from your body or use a bolster under your knees for support
10. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
Well-Fit tips:
- Touch your heels with your fingertips before going into the bridge pose
- Aim to bridge as high as possible with a comfortable breath
How to make it more challenging: Tuck your shoulder blades under and interlink your fingers and push your pinkies into the mat
11. Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)
Well-Fit tips:
- Try to ground both shoulders on the mat
- Lengthen your spine to keep your back on the mat
- Use any movement that serves you (rock side to side or stay still)
- Stretches the back, groin & inner thigs
- Relaxes the mind
- Reduces stress and fatigue
13. Savasana
Well-Fit tips:
- Face your palms upwards
- Relax the muscles in your face, your eyelids and tongue
- Relaxing your eyelids will help the rest of your body to rest
- Reduces stress and relieves tension in the body
Relaxing Yoga Routine for Beginners Summary
So there you have the 10-minute relaxing yoga routine for beginners!
If you’re like me you’ll love this routine just before going to bed.
Remember, getting some good sleep and reducing stress is one of the unusual ways to lose weight fast that doesn’t involve exercise or dieting.
Avoiding screen time before bed is a crucial part of getting a good night sleep and making sure your body and mind is rested before rushing to bed can help to significantly reduce stress levels.
P.S. Check out 23 yoga poses to lose weight quickly if you are looking for a yoga workout.

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Glad it’s helpful Manjeet