You’re probably looking for a 5-minute abs workout that you can do at home to help tone your stomach.
But most people don’t believe doing 5 minutes of exercise is going to be effective.
Actually, it’s been proven to be just as effective as longer forms of exercise!
This 5-minute abs workout at home will explain exactly why. And show you the best workout that you can try right now…
Is A 5 Minute Workout Even Worth It?
The short answer is yes!
One study researched 2 groups performing exercise 3 times a week.
They found that the group performing 1-minute bursts of intense exercise had similar impacts on the subjects health and skeletal muscles as did group who did 50 minutes of exercise over a 12 week period.
Now, if you are doing the wrong type of exercise in 5 minutes i.e. a gentle jog or brisk walk, then, of course, you won’t see the results you want.
However, if you can do specialised circuit training (similar to a High-Intensity Interval Training aka HIIT) then 5 minutes is all you need to see some great results.
At Well Fit Fam there is one reason why we recommend starting with shorter exercises:
It helps to form a habit.
The only way you will see the weight loss results you want is by creating a habit. And let me ask you this…
Would you find it easier to find a spare 5 minutes or an hour each day?
After all, 5 minutes of exercise is infinitely better than 0 minutes!
What Equipment Do You Need?
This is the best thing about this workout…
You need nothing. Nada. Diddly squat!
You don’t even need to put on your activewear as you won’t be doing any of this…
You can perform this workout on any type of floor but some people prefer some sort of padding, carpet or rug underneath them.
If you do have a yoga mat then your lower back may thank you for it. Check out our most recommended yoga mats here.
The Best 5 Minute Abs Workout At Home
5 minutes doesn’t sound very long, does it?
However, if you are not used to doing an ab workout at home, then chances are it will seem like a long time!
Especially the first time you try it.
At Well Fit Fam, we like to keep things simple.
So you will find 10 abs exercises below that specifically target a range of core muscles.
If you can do each exercise for 30 seconds that will make exactly 5 minutes.
However, if you find it hard then perform each exercise for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds.
That’s fine…
Tomorrow, you can try and aim for 22 seconds.
This time next week you’ll be amazed at how easy it is perform the full 30 seconds for all 10 exercises.
The key to seeing the results to flatten and tone your stomach is to make this exercise a habit.
So here are the 10 exercises:
1. 6 inches – 30 seconds
Well-Fit tips:
- Place your hands under your pelvis for support
- Pull your belly button towards your spine
- Imagine you are a plank of wood!
How to make it easier:
Raise your legs higher
How to make it more challenging:
Lift your chest up for a small crunch
2. Flutter Kicks – 30 seconds
Well-Fit tips:
- Keep your back flat against the floor
- Pull your belly button towards your spine to do this
- Pointing your toes helps keep those legs straight
How to make it easier:
Lift your legs higher
How to make it more challenging:
Flutter side to side and keep your feet close to the floor… no, not on the floor!
3. Russian Twists – 30 seconds
Well-Fit tips:
- Keep your back straight
- Lift from your chest (don’t strain your neck forward)
How to make it easier:
Sit up higher
How to make it more challenging:
Lean back more so you are closer to the ground
4. Leg Raises – 30 seconds
Well-Fit tips:
- Pull your belly button in towards your spine
- Keep your back flat on the floor
How to make it more challenging:
Don’t let your legs rest on the floor
5. Bicycles – 30 seconds
Well-Fit tips:
- Make sure your back is flat on the floor at the start
- Do not push your head forward with your hands
How to make it easier:
Keep your shoulders on the floor
How to make it more challenging:
Rotate your body as you lift your shoulders off the floor
6. Toe touches – 30 seconds
Well-Fit tips:
- Pull your belly button towards your spine and keep your core engaged
- Straighten your back and avoid it bending
How to make it easier:
Use your hands behind you to stay stable & use a smaller range of motion
How to make it more challenging:
Straighten all the way to the floor and crunch up to the middle
7. Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds
Well-Fit tips:
- Aim to keep your bum down
- Keep your shoulders over your wrists
- Pull that belly button in and engage your core!
How to make it easier:
Walk your feet in slower
How to make it more challenging:
The faster you go the more challenging it is (but don’t sacrifice form!)
8. Crunches – 30 Seconds
Well-Fit tips:
- Feet flat on the floor
- Lift from the chest (do not pull your head forward with your hands)
- Avoid rounding the back, aim to lift your chest off the floor
How to make it easier:
Lift your chest off the floor and hold the crunch for a few seconds
How to make it more challenging:
Never let your shoulders relax or touch the floor
9. Sit Ups – 30 Seconds
Well-Fit tips:
- Aim to lift from the chest
- You can use bent knees or straight legs (use what you prefer)
- Try to avoid “swinging” into the movement to engage your core completely
How to make it easier:
Use your arms to swing and help you sit up
How to make it more challenging:
Arms above your head all the time
10. The Hundred – 30 Seconds
Well-Fit tips:
- Lift your chest up and make sure your shoulders are off the floor
- Pull your belly button into your spine to keep your core engaged
- Do not reach forward with your head (or strain your neck)
How to make it easier:
Keep your knees bent
How to make it more challenging:
Extend your legs straight
Well Fit Fam Tips To See The Best Results
Creating a daily habit will help you see far better results than doing 1 hour of sit-ups once a week.
Not only will your body adapt and improve quicker but you will avoid really bad DOMS that can make you never want to look at someone exercising again.
Plus 5 minutes a day is far easier for most people isn’t it?!
We recommend picking a time of day when you know you’ll be able to do them. For example:
- First thing in the morning
- Just before you jump in the shower
- After you make breakfast (but before you eat it)
- In your lunch break at work
- After you drop the kids off at school
In all honesty, it doesn’t matter what time of day you create this habit. Our advice is to not leave it until you get home from work as it becomes far harder to call on your will power after a long day.
Some people will claim that just doing these exercises for 5 minutes a day will give you abs of steel! Like this guy…
They are lying!
You’ve probably heard that “abs are made in the kitchen” before.
This is totally true.
Your diet will have a much bigger impact on getting a flat tummy than any exercise will. After all, there is a 6 pack inside all of us. Our fat just covers it for most people!
Check out the 7 scientifically proven steps on how to lose weight fast to help make sure you are on the right path.
5 Minute Abs Workout At Home Summary
So there you have a simple 5-minute abs workout that you can do at home.
If you can create the habit of doing a few minutes of effective exercise regularly it’s proven to have better effects than doing long, boring and ineffective exercise occasionally.
Make sure you can come back to this page to make this short routine a habit…